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jueves, enero 09, 2014

mujerchile: saving mothers

USAID: From the American People Join Global Health on GH on Facebook
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Saving Mothers, Giving Life One-Third Reductionin Maternal Mortality in Year 1

On behalf of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life partnership, we are pleased to announce the incredible results seen during Year 1 of this program. The first annual report shows that in just 1 year the maternal mortality ratio in target districts in Uganda decreased by 30 percent. The maternal mortality ratio in Saving Mothers, Giving Life target facilities in Zambia decreased by 35 percent, which means approximately one-third of women who would have died during childbirth before the program began are alive today, caring for their families and contributing to their communities.

30% Reduction of maternal mortality in Uganda and 35% reduction in Zambia.
The high rate of women dying from complications of pregnancy and childbirth remains an urgent challenge in sub-Saharan Africa, where many maternal deaths occur. The report indicates that the Saving Mothers, Giving Life approach – an intensive "big push" effort to strengthen health services focused on the critical period of labor, delivery and the first 48 hours postpartum – can produce impressive and quick results in saving women and newborn's lives.

Photo Source: Amy Cotter/USAID


Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU
Diplomado en Gerencia en Administracion Publica ONU
Diplomado en Coaching Ejecutivo ONU( 
 CEL: 93934521
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