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miércoles, marzo 26, 2008

=?iso-8859-1?Q?[Posible SPAM]=20?= Caso Rocha: Yutronic fue formalizado por espionaje telefónico y queda en prisión preventiva

Caso Rocha: Yutronic fue formalizado por espionaje telefónico y queda en prisión preventiva
Miércoles 26 de Marzo de 2008
Fuente :La Segunda Internet/EM
En el Tercer Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago se realizó esta tarde la audiencia de formalización del investigador privado Dante Yutronic, quien quedó detenido en calidad de imputado.

Yutronic es el dueño de la "Casa del Espía", y a quien se le acusa de utilizar la interceptación telefónica como método para investigar la vida íntima de la pareja de Gerardo Rocha.

El hombre fue formalizado por las interferencias telefónicas al ex martillero público Jaime Oliva y a una cuñada del empresario Gerardo Rocha.

La magistrada determinó que Yutronic es un peligro para la seguridad de la sociedad y del Estado, y por lo mismo se determinó mantenerlo en prisión preventiva y debe ser trasladado a la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad o al anexo cárcel Capitán Yábar. Estará detenido durantes los 120 días que dure la investigación.

Los delitos que se le imputan al investigador privado son violaciones a la Ley de Telecomunicaciones y a la Ley de Sistemas de Inteligencia Nacional, por el espionaje telefónico.

Por su parte, la defensa del empresario señaló al ingresar al lugar, que Yutronic es sólo un "chivo expiatorio" en el caso del asesinato del ex martillero Jaime Oliva, ocurrido en El Quisco el mes pasado
Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación en RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES    y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile


Alcalde de Lima recibe visita de Sebastián Piñera
Andina - Peru
El alcalde de Lima Luis Castañeda Lossio recibió hoy la visita del ex
candidato presidencial chileno y líder de Renovación Nacional, Sebastián
Piñera, ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema:

Diputado Marcelo Díaz acusa a Piñera de contradecir intereses de Chile
El Mercurio OnLine (Chile) - Chile
... declaraciones vertidas por el abanderado presidencial de Renovación
Nacional, Sebastián Piñera, tras su encuentro con el Mandatario peruano
Alan García. ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema:

Piñera: Perú y Chile están en el camino correcto en tema económico
gato encerrado.net - Peru
El empresario y político chileno Sebastián Piñera opinó hoy que
Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela están siguiendo un camino "profundamente
equivocado" de ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema:

Candidato presidencial de la derecha chilena se reúne con Alan García
Tiempos Del Mundo - USA
25 (UPI) -- La prensa destacó el encuentro, en calidad de candidato
presidencial, que sostuvo en Lima el empresario Sebastián Piñera con el
mandatario ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema:

"Perú requiere 20 años de crecimiento para salir del subdesarrollo"
La República (Perú) - Lima,Peru
Sebastián Piñera afirmó que los problemas que enfrenta América Latina
son el narcotráfico, el terrorismo, la pobreza y el recalentamiento
global. ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema:

Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación en RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES    y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile


Enviado el Miércoles, 26 marzo a las 00:46:55

Por Marta Canto

Para entender la Ley del Lobby y su proceso, es necesario aclarar ciertos aspectos conceptuales, ya que próximamente comenzarán sus acciones y efectos hacer parte de nuestro cotidiano vivir.

La palabra "Lobby" viene del ingles, que significa "entrada o salón de espera".En Ciencia Política, la entendemos como manejo, control y gestión.En ese sentido significa un grupo de personas influyentes, que organizadamente presiona en favor de determinados intereses. Por lo tanto, la acción que desarrollan los lobbys es lo que se ha denominado, Cabildeo, que es la capacidad para alcanzar un cambio específico en un programa o proyecto gubernamental, o la capacidad de influir en un actor con poder de decisión.

En materia internacional, la legislación comparada nos muestra que una adecuada regulación es aplicable a todos quienes realizan actividades de lobby, ya en el siglo XVIII y XIX esta materia aparece regulada en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Canadá y la Unión Europea. Algunos lobbys destacados son por ejemplo: Los grupos de presión, los gremios de empleadores, las asociaciones civiles, sindicales , comunidad homosexual ,ecologistas , etc. Por lo tanto, en su esencia el lobby se diferencia del tráfico de influencias en el sentido de que no ofrece pagos, favores o recompensas a las autoridades por actuar a favor de personas o grupos organizados, sino que simplemente hace esfuerzos por dejar constancia de sus intereses para que sean tomados en cuenta a la hora de tomar una decisión ejecutiva o votar una iniciativa legal.

En Chile, la iniciativa legal va en la dirección correcta, ya que se observa desde el Congreso una señal potente de apoyo a esta materia, como es entre otras, la obligación de las autoridades públicas de dar a conocer por ejemplo, todas las audiencias y reuniones que tengan en el ejercicio de sus funciones y a nivel del ejecutivo se pretende regular materias como: la definición formal de lobby, la especificación de las actividades en las que se puede hacer, la creación de un registro de lobbystas de acceso público, deberes de información de actividades con personeros públicos para mantener la transparencia, códigos de conducta y sanciones para quienes contravengan esos códigos. En la última parte, del proyecto enviado por el Poder Ejecutivo se establece la prohibición de los lobbystas, y de aquellas personas que han contratado los servicios de un lobbysta, de financiar a los políticos.

Esta actividad ha concitado el mayor interés ciudadano, ya no sólo del mundo político, sino de las organizaciones sociales y civiles que recurrirán al "cabildeo" en su afán de lograr un cambio efectivo en la vida pública, donde sus propuestas recogidas del sentir de los ciudadanos se lleven a cabo. Aquí estarán a prueba ciertas capacidades de las organizaciones, como por ejemplo: La de consensuar una propuesta al interior de los grupos para que tenga el mayor respaldo y consistencia, la incidencia de las propuestas presentadas en instancias gubernamentales, la influencia de dichas organizaciones, en los actores con poder de decisión y la capacidad de las organizaciones sociales de iniciar un proceso de cambio social, que implicará generar un nuevo escenario en la construcción de ciudadanía y gobierno.

Por lo tanto, la ciudadanía representada en organizaciones sociales y civiles pasará a ser el gran actor en las decisiones públicas, pasando de la queja y la denuncia a la solución propositiva , lo que ayudará a construir un nuevo marco social en el cual se respeten de manera integral los Derechos Humanos de los ciudadanos, se venza la cultura del autoritarismo, se erradiquen las prácticas de exclusión y se dejen de repetir los esquemas paternalistas y corporativistas, para transitar a prácticas democráticas en la relación ciudadanía-gobierno, donde la voz de ambos actores, tenga el mismo peso y la misma responsabilidad en su respectivo ámbito de acción.

Marta Canto Castro es Secretario Ejecutivo Instituto Jorge Ahumada: Colaborador permanente de Crónica Digital

Santiago de Chile, 26 marzo 2008
Crónica Digital
Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación en RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY –   y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Futuro de la minería depende de la responsabilidad social de las empresas


Futuro de la minería depende de la responsabilidad social de las empresas

El futuro y supervivencia de la minería depende de la responsabilidad social de las empresas mineras y la pauta de explotación que marquen los Gobiernos, auguró hoy en Panamá el geoquímico canadiense Jan Boon.

Miembro emérito de la División Internacional del Sector de Ciencias Terrestres de Recursos Naturales de Canadá, Boon, participa en un Foro de Minería convocado por la Embajada de Canadá en Panamá.

Según Boon, que actualmente trabaja en una maestría sobre Globalización y Desarrollo, 'la responsabilidad social corporativa es una cuestión de supervivencia' y una herramienta de 'balance' entre los intereses de los actores: mineras, gobiernos y comunidad.

El científico canadiense, de origen holandés, explicó durante su ponencia de hoy, sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, que la 'costosa y arriesgada' explotación minera es solo rentable con la 'licencia de operación' de los grupos potencialmente afectados.

Destacó, por otra parte, que la legislación nacional debe acompañar la 'buena voluntad' y las normas éticas con las que deben manejarse las empresas con grandes intereses de explotación, que no se deben, fuera de sus países de origen, a las normas más restrictivas de estos mismos.

También identificó, como un 'mal común', la práctica de sobornos entre las partes implicadas en la actividad minera, para encontrar 'atajos' que sorteen las normas vigentes.

El embajador de Canadá en Panamá, José Herrán-Lima, señaló, en la inauguración del encuentro, que termina mañana, que el foro es un 'pequeño aporte al desarrollo de Panamá y los panameños'.

'Para algunos, la minería acarrea numerosos perjuicios para el medio ambiente y las comunidades aledañas al proyecto, para otros, es un instrumento idóneo para el desarrollo económico y social de poblaciones y regiones marginadas', dijo.

'La esencia de la democracia es el diálogo y el uso de la razón para entendernos mutuamente y procurar el bien común', añadió el diplomático, que abogó porque el foro sobre minería enriquezca el debate en torno al tema.

La compañía minera de capital canadiense Petaquilla Gold, que obtuvo en 1997 un contrato de concesión de más de 13.000 hectáreas por 30 años renovables, en el centro norte del país, para la explotación de oro, plata y cobre, reactivó sus operaciones en 2005 tras la revaloración de los metales en el mercado.

El compromiso de inversión inicial supera los 400 millones de dólares y el canon de exploración y explotación pactado con el Estado panameño es de un dólar anual por hectárea.

El foro, en el que participan también expertos de Perú, Brasil y Chile, reconocidos países mineros del continente, defiende que 'es mejor debatir una cuestión sin resolverla, que resolver una cuestión sin debatirla'.

Terra Actualidad - EFE
Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación en RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES    y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

BLOG SALMON : Líderes desarrollando líderes


Líderes desarrollando líderes

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 05:23 PM CDT

jefe grande 400.340.jpg

Un interesante artículo sobre el labor que un líder nunca debe delegar, que es el del desarrollo de nuevos líderes.

Este trabajo empieza en la entrevista de los candidatos y continúa a lo largo de la carrera del candidato hacia posiciones de liderazgo en la empresa.

Para esto, nos da unas características que estos candidatos hacia posiciones de liderazgo deben tener que son fundamentales para su éxito. Son puntos generales pero dan buenas pistas, para los jefes que están analizando posibles candidatos y para posibles candidatos a posiciones de liderazgo que quieren saber lo que necesitan para avanzar e ese camino..

Los cuatro puntos fuertes que destaca son los siguientes:

  • Tiene la habilidad para ejecutar.
  • Tener el camino de la carrera clara.
  • Sabe trabajar en equipo.
  • Tienen experiencias variadas.

Vía | Portfolio (en inglés)
En El Blog Salmón | Las mejores empresas desarrollando líderes y Los mejores directivos de España

Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación en LIDERAZGO EFICAZ- RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL – LOBBY – BIOCOMBUSTIBLES    y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles  para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile

Law.com Blog Network

Para que los abogados que viajan a los USA por razones profesionales conozcan más del los colegas  en los EEUU

Law.com Blog Network

Blog List Blog List

Adam Smith, Esq.

Bruce MacEwen

Bruce MacEwen
Bruce MacEwen is a lawyer and consultant to law firms on strategic and economic issues. During his career, Bruce has been CEO of a dot-com; practiced securities law in-house for nearly 10 years at Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter; and was an associate with Shea & Gould and with Breed, Abbott & Morgan in New York. Bruce has written for or been quoted in: Fortune; The Wall Street Journal; The New York Times; Bloomberg News; Business 2.0; The National Law Journal; Law Firm, Inc. and Law Technology News, and frequently appears as a speaker or panelist at legal industry conferences nationally and internationally. He received his BA magna cum laude in economics from Princeton University, his JD from the Stanford Law School and is an MBA candidate in finance at NYU's Stern School of Business. A native New Yorker, he lives on Manhattan's Upper West Side with his wife and dog.

ALM Research Blog

Charles J. Lowry

Charles J. Lowry
Charles J. Lowry is Director of Client Relations for ALM Research, a division of ALM Law and Business. He is responsible for presenting to law firm and vendors to the legal profession the marketing, business development and competitive intelligence tools available through ALM Research.

Prior to coming to ALM Research, Lowry held a variety of editorial and sales/marketing positions at Matthew Bender, Lexis and Kluwer Law International. He holds a B.A. degree in philosophy and a Ph.D. in classics. He lives in Brooklyn, New York and works from the New York City office of ALM. More Info…

Blawg Review

Blawg Review is the blog carnival for everyone interested in law; a traveling post including links and commentary on the best recent law blog articles, hosted by a different blogger every week. Blawg Review is the collaboration of a worldwide community of lawyers, law students and law professors; a law blog project administered by an anonymous Editor.


We cover law, lobbying, politics, crime, courts, business and culture in the nation's capital and beyond.

The Common Scold

Monica Bay

Monica Bay
Monica Bay is editor-in-chief of Law Technology News, and has been with ALM since 1985. A member of the California bar, she spent 13 years based in San Francisco, where she was senior editor at The Recorder and Counsel Connect (Law.com's predecessor). She helped the "Late Show with David Letterman" set up its first Web site on AOL before moving to New York City in 1998 to oversee LTN. She writes about legal technology, "green law," law firm management and culture, and has been known to pay a little bit of attention on her blog to the New York Yankees.

Counsel to Counsel

Stephen Seckler

Stephen Seckler
Stephen Seckler is managing director of the Boston office of BCG Attorney Search, the largest search firm in the United States dedicated to law firm placement. For more than 10 years, he has counseled partners and associates who want help exploring their career options. Previously, after graduating from Northeastern University School of Law, he was a program attorney for eight years for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, where he developed hundreds of programs for one of the top CLE providers in the country. He subsequently launched Seckler Legal Consulting, where he recruited talent for law firms and corporations and coached lawyers on career and marketing issues. During this time, he published an electronic newsletter, Seckler's Legal Digest, with links to career and marketing resources. He also facilitated a monthly roundtable for the Career Services Committee of the New England Corporate Counsel Association and served on the Steering Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Practice Section of the Boston Bar Association. He created Counsel to Counsel to provide a forum for lawyers who want to increase their overall career satisfaction. He also authors a column, "Career Consult," for Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and sits on the Boston Bar Association's Standing Committee on Work/Life Balance. Steve is qualified to administer the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (he is an ENFP) and is interested in law office technology, management and entrepreneurship.

Crime & Federalism

Michael Cernovich
Norm Pattis

Michael CernovichNorm Pattis
Michael Cernovich graduated from law school at Pepperdine University in December 2004. He has a B.A. in Legal Studies with a Philosophy Minor. After passing the bar, he would like to open his own law firm or work for the Federal Defenders or Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office.

Norman A. Pattis is a Connecticut criminal defense lawyer and civil rights attorney. He has won multi-million dollar verdicts in police misconduct and employment cases, and has represented persons accused of crimes ranging from contract murder, sexual assault and bank robbery to white collar offenses involving embezzlement by public officials. His practice focuses equally on the state and federal courts. Pattis has argued in the Connecticut Appellate and Supreme Courts, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second and Sixth Circuits, and has appeared before the United States Supreme Court in prisoner's rights litigation. He consults with lawyers across the country on cases arising under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983. In addition, he owns the Whitlock Farms Booksellers, in Bethany, Connecticut, a used and rare bookstore that has been operating out of two barns since 1948. For the past eight years, he has written a weekly column about the law and legal affairs for The Connecticut Law Tribune. His first attempt at fiction, Dark Justice, was published in serial form in the Law Tribune.

EDD Update

EDD Update
The EDD Update Blog is a collaborative blog with over 18 attorneys, consultants and editors. Blog authors represent some of the electronic discovery industry's best practitioners and analysts. Many of the authors are also on the editorial boards of both Law Technology News and Law.com's Legal Technology section. The blog will cover law, technology, analysis, news and events in EDD. A separate page of the blog will detail the biographies of the writers that include: editors Monica Bay, Claire Duffet and Sean Doherty; practitioners Robert Ambrogi, George Rudoy (Sherman & Sterling), Matt Kesner (Fenwich & West), David Bowerman (Preston Gates & Ellis); and consultants Craig Ball, Michael Arkfeld, Tom Gelbman, Tom O'Connor, and George Socha.

The Estrin Report

Chere Estrin

Chere Estrin
Chere Estrin, Ph.D., CEO of Estrin LegalEd, a continuing legal education organization, produces the popular paralegal blog, The Estrin Report. Ms. Estrin has written eight books in the legal field and is the founder of The Paralegal SuperConferences. She is an Inc. magazine Entrepreneur of the Year finalist, recipient of the Los Angeles/Century City Chamber of Commerce Women of Achievement award, and is a co-founding member of the International Paralegal Management Association. A lively and much sought-after national seminar leader, Chere's speaking engagements frequently sell out early.


Rick Georges

Rick Georges
Rick Georges is a solo practitioner, practicing in St. Petersburg, Florida. He is active in the St. Petersburg, Florida, and American Bar Associations, and presents seminars and programs on the use of computers in the practice of law. He has authored the "FutureLawyer" column for the Tampa Bay Review and other publications, and has taught law office management and computer-assisted legal research at the College and Law School level.

How Appealing

Howard Bashman

Howard Bashman
Howard J. Bashman, a nationally recognized attorney, operates his own appellate litigation boutique in Willow Grove, Pa., a suburb of Philadelphia. Howard appears regularly before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and Pennsylvania's state appellate courts. In 2003, American Lawyer Media named Bashman one of Pennsylvania's top 40 lawyers under age 40 on the strength of his appellate litigation practice…more

Human Law

Justin Patten

Justin Patten
Justin Patten is a British solicitor, mediator and trainer. As a qualified solicitor, he has also acted for clients on a wide range of disputes and is familiar with the legal process. Over the last 18 months he has elected to specialize in mediation, providing a full mediation service to businesses and via law firms, as well as providing practical mediation training. His blog covers the issues of mediation and alternative ways of resolving disputes.

Inhouse Blog - News for InHouse Counsel

Geoffrey G. Gussis

Geoffrey G. Gussis
Geoffrey G. Gussis created Inhouse Blog - News for InHouse Counsel to collect news and job postings relevant to in-house counsel. A former general counsel of an advertising and marketing services provider, Geoff is an attorney with Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti, LLP, in Morristown, N.J., where his practice focuses on corporate and technology transactions. He received his B.A., magna cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania in 1995, and went on to receive his J.D. from Washington University School of Law in St. Louis in 1998, where he was an associate editor of the law review.

Insurance Scrawl

Marc Mayerson

Marc Mayerson
Marc Mayerson is a partner Spriggs & Hollingsworth, a litigation firm in Washington, D.C. In his practice, he is often involved in insurance disputes that include a broad range of insurance policies (CGL, property, D&O, ERISA, fidelity, business interruption/extra expense, and others) and many types of losses, including some rather exotic ones, such as genetically modified foods and complex financial frauds. Mayerson also teaches the insurance law class at George Washington University's law school. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, where he was a member of the Harvard Law Review.

I/P Updates

William F. ("Bill") Heinze

Bill Heinze
Bill Heinze, the author of I/P Updates, is a former Investigative Attorney for the U.S. International Trade Commission. Mr. Heinze is an alumnus of the University of Texas (B.S.M.E., M.B.A.) and George Washington University Law School. He is currnyl in-house with one of the world's leading suppliers of power generation and energy delivery technologies.

JD Bliss

Joshua Fruchter

Joshua Fruchter
The publisher of JD Bliss is Joshua Fruchter, a graduate of New York University School of Law and an attorney admitted in New York. Joshua practiced bankruptcy law at Kaye Scholer from 1993 to 1999 before embarking on an Internet marketing career. In 2002, Joshua founded eLawMarketing, which now provides online marketing services to over 80 law firms and law-related organizations in the United States and abroad. Joshua lectures and writes regularly on Internet marketing for law firms, and currently sits on the editorial board of Marketing the Law Firm, a newsletter published by ALM Media. In September 2004, Joshua founded JD Bliss as a blog and email newsletter service to help attorneys achieve greater work life balance, career satisfaction and personal growth, and to assist law firms with attorney retention efforts.

Jottings by an Employer's Lawyer

Michael Fox

Micahel Fox
Michael Fox, who specializes in labor and employment law, is a litigator with Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. He is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law…more

LA Legal Pad

LA Legal Pad
The National Law Journal's LA Legal Pad is a new daily blog for the Los Angeles area that covers law firm news and local legal developments. We are interested in hearing from lawyers and law firms in the Los Angeles and surrounding communities about who's moving where and why, who's getting the business and who's not, who's won and who's lost, and what's going on in the courts. Please contact blog editor Elizabeth Amon at eamon@alm.com with your stories, tips and suggestions.

Law Department Management

Rees Morrison

Rees Morrison
Rees Morrison CMC has been consulting with law departments for 17 years to help them manage themselves and their outside counsel. A former practicing lawyer, author of six books, a Senior Director of Hildebrandt International based in Somerset, NJ, Rees welcomes your comments.

LawMarketing Blog

Larry Bodine

Larry Bodine
Larry Bodine is a strategic marketing consultant who helps law firms generate revenue and get new business by developing business development strategies, coaching lawyers to develop their personal marketing plans, and using technology to market the firm. He practiced law in Madison, Wisconsin and is a cum laude graduate of both Seton Hall University (J.D., 1981) and Amherst College (B.A., 1972).

Leadership for Lawyers

Mark Beese

Mark Beese
Mark Beese's blog Leadership for Lawyers focuses on issues of leadership, management, and marketing for law firms. Mark is known as the "Marketing Guy" at Holland & Hart, a 350 attorney law firm with 13 offices in seven states across the Rocky Mountain West and Washington, D.C. Mark is a frequent speaker on topics of law firm leadership and marketing. He holds an MBA in Marketing and is the former president of the Legal Marketing Association in Colorado and an alumnus of Leadership Denver and Leadership Buffalo.

Legal Blog Watch

Carolyn Elefant

Robert Ambrogi

Carolyn Elefant Robert Ambrogi
Carolyn Elefant tracks and analyzes the postings of Law.com bloggers and others for Legal Blog Watch. She is also the writer of My Shingle, a blog to give solos and small firms a comprehensive online guide for starting and running a firm, and trading advice and accomplishments. In doing so, Ms. Elefant occasionally offers up tales of her own private practice, a blend of energy regulatory work, renewable project development and permitting, litigation and appellate practice.

Robert Ambrogi is a lawyer, writer and media consultant, and he tracks new and intriguing Web sites of interest to the legal profession through his blog LawSites. A longtime legal journalist, Bob has been editor of the National Law Journal, director of the ALM News Service, publisher of The Connecticut Law Tribune, editor of Lawyers Weekly USA and editor of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. More recently, he was vice president of the legal consulting firm Jaffe Associates. He writes the Web Watch column for Law Technology News and is author of the book, The Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web.

Legal Pad

Legal Pad
Legal Pad is the blog of The Recorder and Cal Law, a daily newspaper and Web site covering the legal industry in California. They are the pre-eminent publications for the California legal community, with a daily e-mail alert for the latest legal news, plus another for case decisions from all California appellate courts, as well as award-winning news coverage and insightful commentary. When its reporters and editors are not producing all that, they drop by Legal Pad to blog about the stuff that might otherwise fall through the cracks.

Legal Sanity

Arnie Herz

Arnie Herz
Legal sanity is a blog offering insights, observations and news on building successful business relationships in the law. A graduate of the University of Michigan (BA 1984) and Fordham Law School (JD 1991), Arnie began his career as a big firm litigator and then moved on to a successful Wall Street partnership. In 2000, he started his own firm and now handles a range of matters for a diverse group of clients in addition to serving as a mediator. In 2004, Arnie launched a training and development business through which he presents programs and keynotes to lawyers and other service professionals on optimizing work relationships without depletion and self-sacrifice. His approach to client relationships and counseling has been featured in a number of distinguished publications, including the Harvard Negotiation Law Review, the ABA Journal and The New York Law Journal.

Legal Technology Blog

Michael Cernovich
The Legal Technology Blog will be a collaborative effort between the Law.com's Legal Technology Editor and Associate Editor, members of the Board including Ari Kaplan, and freelance writers Brett Burney and C.C. Holland.

May It Please The Court

J. Craig Williams

Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams writes daily observations on law and legal news for May it Please the Court. Before founding the WLF | The Williams Law Firm and beginning his career as a business litigator, Mr. Williams was a broadcaster and a journalist. He obtained his law degree, with distinction, from the University of Iowa College of Law… more

My Shingle

Carolyn Elefant

Carolyn Elefant
Carolyn Elefant's blog gives solos and small firms a comprehensive guide for starting and running a firm, and trading advice and accomplishments. In doing so, Ms. Elefant occasionally offers up tales of her own private practice, a blend of energy regulatory work, renewable project development and permitting, litigation and appellate practice.

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites

Robert Ambrogi

Robert Ambrogi
Robert Ambrogi is a lawyer, writer and media consultant, and he tracks new and intriguing Web sites of interest to the legal profession through his blog LawSites. A longtime legal journalist, Bob has been editor of the National Law Journal, director of the ALM News Service, publisher of The Connecticut Law Tribune, editor of Lawyers Weekly USA and editor of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. More recently, he was vice president of the legal consulting firm Jaffe Associates. He writes the Web Watch column for Law Technology News and is author of the book, The Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web.

Silicon Valley Media Law Blog

Cathy Kirkman

Cathy Kirkman
Cathy Kirkman writes about media and technology law from a Silicon Valley perspective for her Silicon Valley Media Law Blog. She is an equity partner at legal powerhouse Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in Palo Alto, where her practice focuses on media law, licensing and e-commerce. Before that, she practiced in the entertainment department of Loeb and Loeb in Los Angeles. A native of Palo Alto, she graduated Order of the Coif from Stanford Law School and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard University. She has advised clients such as Google, Napster, Creative Commons, Lucasfilm, Pixar, Bad Boy, and numerous start-ups and venture capitalists on intellectual property matters.

Tex Parte

Tex Parte
Tex Parte is a daily blog from the award-winning editors and reporters of Texas Lawyer. It provides inside information on law firms, courts, in-house counsel and legal developments from across the state that readers won't find anywhere else. Contact editor in chief Colleen McGushin at cmcgushin@alm.com with stories, tips and suggestions.

Wired GC

John Wallbillich

John Wallbillich
John Wallbillich writes about the role of the general counsel and corporate law from the inside out at Wired GC. John was general counsel for an energy company in the Midwest for over 12 years and a corporate lawyer (in-house and in private practice) before that. In late 2006, John launched Lexvista Partners, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based legal advisory and development firm.
Consulten, opinen y escriban
Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586
teléfono: 5839786
e-mail rogofe47@mi.cl
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